Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Paramilitary Police

Not to be a buzzkill, but the CATO institutee has this weighty but very in depth analysis of the paramilitarization of America's domestic police force since the start of the "War on Drugs" about 25 years ago. The premise is something you probably already knew, but it is always reaffirming to see so much research poured into the topic in a reasonably unbiased manner as well as provide alternatives to the current tactics. Not to be muted by the fact that many of the "innocents" killed in police raids where excessive force is used or where there is a case of mistaken identity are pets, it is chilling part how almost every incident is brushed under the rug and rationalized by whatever the latest national fear factors are. The primary concern is that our legal precident allows for practically any justification to raid a person's home without warning and how there is little incentive by police departments to limit wrongful raids except for matters of cost. Scary.

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